When government insiders, in reprisal for reporting their bribes, blockade all of your income except for $500 bucks per month for the rest of your life, hack your computers, expose you to toxins, cut off your benefits, prevent you from having a fair jury trial, defraud you of your life savings and run a series of hatchet jobs on you; there is only one choice left: REVENGE! You, and your peers: bankrupt their banks and companies; get their politicians indicted; expose their hookers; file case reports on every one of them with every member of Congress, every spy agency, every regulatory agency and every investigative reporter; teach every citizen how to sue each of them individually; organize boycott's of their advertisers and covert stock market assets; get their government funding cut off; create a public, open-source, crowd-operated, public version of the CIA designed to hunt them all down using Reddit and other social media; expose the bribes they receive via stock market perks; crash their stock market accounts; and, generally Fuck Them In The Ass using 100% legal forensics! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!